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What's The Meaning of dwmapi dll was not found?

dwmapi dll was not found is a mistake that may show up oneday while you use laptop or computer just like normal, its adverse effect(besides annoying) may not shown instantly, but your windows systems can get further damaged if you do nothing aganist it. To refrain from such bad situation, your next move should be processing it with no delay manually or by using an automatic repair tool which we suggest SmartPCFixer.

Recommendation: SmartPCFixer -- Automatic fixing with Simple Clicks

Causes of dwmapi dll was not found Error

We must first determine what can incur this dwmapi dll was not found error? There are several key words here: virus, evidence files, junk files, registry errors, etc. Perpahps your recent installed applications were infected, or you haven't cleaned rigstry for long time, or even you never did any system maintenance.

How to Fix dwmapi dll was not found

Recommend: In order to stop the "dwmapi dll was not found" error you just need to download and adopt the SmartPCFixer in the following. This tool will identify and locate, and troubleshoot dwmapi dll was not found. Your laptop or computer must also run faster and smoother, and it can help you to maintain your computer system periodically.

1. Click download button below to have dwmapi dll was not found Error Fixer.

2. Open the dwmapi dll was not found repair tool, it will set up a compelte scan for your pc automatically, just wait for the scan result.


3. With clicking on 'Fix All' button, the dwmapi dll was not found error will be fixed along with other threates which was grasped in the second procedure.


Other Methods

Install Windows Updates

Windows Update is probably the most important elements of Microsoft's operating-system to keep your computer working and up to date. Without it, your personal computer would freely collect malware, unpatched security holes can be exploited and generally things would run pretty slowly. As we mentioned before there are many cause for "dwmapi dll was not found" problem, and the fault may be cured through installing windows updates. About how to set up windows update, just refer to instructions.

  1. Expand the start menu by clicking on the Windows icon or pressing CTRL + ESC or the Windows Key on the keyboard.
  2. Input "Windows Update" in the search bar. You will observe Windows update under programs towards the top of the search result list. Simply click it.

  3. On new opened "Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update" page, click on "Install updates" button

Tips: We highly recommend use SmartPCFixer to fix dwmapi dll was not found issue and protect your computer system regularly.

Tags: dwmapi dll was not found

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